Into the Colombian Jungle with German Bernal, visiting Archapacha

“This is my dream project, this is why I came back to Colombia after 27 years in Europe.”

This is what he said to me when we first met.  In Juni/Juli and August 2015 I was travelling through Colombia. In a local Pizza place I met Colombian artist German Bernal. He lived and worked in Europe as an artist for 27 years. For 17 years he lived in Amsterdam and went to the Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy.

In the local pizza place he told me about his dream project. He wantsto create an artist residence in the mountains, on the farm that used to be of his parents. A few weeks later he invited me to this place called ‘ArchApAchA‘.

Travelling with only my iPhone I decided to interview him and made several pictures. This resulted in the video below.

“I am looking for artists that can help me build house trees and a working studio…”

If you are an artist and interested to stay and help to build up the Artist Residence Archapacha, than have a look here for more information: and German’s blog:

Entrevista en Español con German Bernal:

For people that prefer to speak or hear Spanish, I also interviewed him in Spanish. You can listen to the interview below.