Set in the Colombian Amazon, Siona: The effort to De-mine Sacred Space in the Amazon follows Adiela Mera Paz, a Siona indigenous leader, as she deactivates landmines in her ancestral territory making it possible for her people displaced by armed conflict to return.  Read The New Yorker article
Commissioned by The New Yorker and supported by The Pulitzer Center.

Director & Cinematographer
Tom Laffay

Jaap van ’t Kruis

Emily Wright

Original Score
Mateo Kingman & Alejandro Mendoza

Sound design
Isabel Torres

Executive Producer
Soo-Jeong Kang

Adiela Jinet Mera Paz
Taita Humberto Piaguaje
Celio Yaiguaje
Alejandro Pérez Álvarez

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“The Amazon is burning right now, but not only with flames. In Colombia those who fight for the defense for our territory are burned by bullets.”

Sandro Piahuaje, Siona Governor, Colombia