golden oldies


One of the funniest reports I directed for Jan Rijdt Rond is the one about pig Francis Bacon. The item was about people who take a little pig as a pet, with all the consequences.

Do-Good Platform | 1%CLUB

A short promo for the Business department of the 1% CLUB (Now Goodup), explaining how companies can involve their employees in their CSR policy.


This short film and animation was used during a pitch for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to make the Three60 concept visual and tangible.

Inside North Korea

In 2008 journalist Stefanie Vermeulen and I went on a trade mission to North Korea. We got a special insight into the most closed country in the world. It was probably the most surreal country I’ve ever entered with a camera.


Landinwaarts was a weekly program on Dutch tv NPO2, in which they look  for the ‘gems’ of local culture and tradition. For this program we made various items, including this one about the King of Kale.


The aim of this film was to show the link between the scientists and the engineers of the Dutch eScience center.